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Großartiger 3D Druck mit hochwertigem SLS Pulver

Since 2020

The PowderMonkeys are online!

Our website is online and in future you will be able to purchase your alternative SLS powder materials for 3D printing here. We have been working and refining for a long time to be able to offer alternative 3D printing powders to anyone who has an SLS desktop device. A lot of know-how, technical preparation…

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Hello world, the PowderMonkeys are here!

We are the PowderMonkeys!!! That’s Martin and Christian Launhardt. We have set ourselves the goal of helping to shape 3D printing for everyone. Our vision is that anyone can purchase affordable 3D printing material to realize their own ideas using 3D printing. We have focused in particular on powder-based 3D printing, as selective laser sintering…

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