3D-Druck, Additive Fertigung, SLS Pulver, TPU, PP
PowderMonkeys in EASY Engineering
3D-Printing, SLS Material for Desktop machines, SLS Powder TPU, PA12, PP
PowderMonkeys was mentioned in the famous online Journal EASY Engineering.
Hier geht es zum Artikel: https://easyengineering.eu/interview-with-launhardt/
As supplier for third party SLS material for small desktop SLS machines such as SinterIt, Sintratec and others PowderMonkeys shines with innovative new and environmentally friendly materials such as TPU Soft, TPU Hard, a PP and a recycled PA12. Especially the TPU Soft stand in focus of high demand as this material provides extraordinarily soft properties (Shore Hardness A lower than 70) and at the meantime high flexibility (Elongation at break > 400%). These values are close to injection molded soft TPU materials and have not been seen for SLS before.
These materials provide whole new ideas for application, especially in combination with other, structural 3D-Printed parts. Possible applications could be shoe wear, wearables, bracelets, textiles, orthoses, sealings, dampers and others

Besides the most recent activities at PowderMonkeys, Martin Launhardt also explains the future plans. Further Materials for small SLS machines will be characterized, tested and promoted.
Powder Monkeys will be at the FormNext 2022, so be sure to mark the date in your calendar; FormNext 15. – 18.11.2022 in Frankfurt.
If you are interested in the material, just visit our website or contact us directly
SLS Pulver